The CurrentRF Mileage Booster serves to recycle electrical noise in the ICE/Diesel/Hybrid System by preventing deep 12V Battery Discharge, thus smaller battery recharge current required from the system alternator(stator coil), The ICE Alternator Regulator senses the reduced battery terminal voltage drop created by the electrical needs of the system (spark plug ignition, electrical system current drain, etc), and thus outputs less current to the alternator rotor field coil, causing the field coil to create less magnetic flux, reducing the output alternator stator coil current, and thus less back torque. This lessened mechanical load on the engine increases ICE/Diesel/Hybrid Vehicle MPG.
ICE/Diesel/Hybrid Mileage Booster
Electrical Noise, it is present in every electrical system. It is one of the contributors to reduced Driving Range in Electric Vehicles, and also a big contributor to reduced gas and fuel mileage jn ICE, Diesel, and Hybrid Vehicles. The CurrentRF Mileage Booster, attached across the battery terminals of any ICE, Diesel, or hybrid Vehicle, increases the gas/fuel mileage by 10%. That’s an extra gallon for fuel for free (50 cents savings per gallon) at each tank fill up, attained just by clipping the CurrentRF Mileage Booster across the ICE/Diesel/Hybrid Battery terminals, much like one would install vehicle jumper cables(anyone can do it). In this time of skyrocketing fuel prices, an extra gallon of fuel, for free, just from harvesting engine noise, Is a no brainer.
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